Project Cornerstone

Project Cornerstone is a District-backed initiative committed to helping all students feel valued, respected and known. The Asset Building Champions (ABC) parent engagement program gives our parents an opportunity to volunteer at our school, reading specially selected books and leading activities that help teach valuable lessons to our students.

The Spanish-language Los Dichos program opens new doors for parents from diverse cultures to support their children’s school success as well as the healthy development of all young people in their communities.

The goals of Cornerstone's ABC and Los Dichos programs at Capri Elementary School are as follows:

  • Use literacy opportunities to share concepts of student-to-student respect, how to be a good friend, what to do if bullied, etc.
  • Increase student achievement, learning engagement and interpersonal competence by improving school climate.
  • Increase the number of caring adults that students interact with at school to enable them to feel increased levels of support and value.
  • To have one ABC Parent Volunteer in every class so that all students, teachers and staff are learning the same lessons and using the same language.

How do we do this? By reading encouraging books to classrooms and conducting an active discussion afterwards once a month. A total of eight books are read each year.

Here’s what a teacher, student and volunteer said about the program (collected from surveys):

Teacher: “The ABC Parent program is outstanding! The stories convey practical ways to respect each other. I really enjoyed seeing the children using the books as a springboard of conversation. I could see them making connections between the book and real life”.

Student: “Since our Cornerstone ABC Parent has been reading stories to us, I feel like I am better able to deal with conflicts and bullying at my school”.

ABC Parent: “Kids have told me that the lessons have helped them deal with bullies and have made them feel more confident in difficult situations”.

Would you like to be an ABC or Los Dichos Parent at Capri School? Please

Please email capripta [at] for more information or contact our Community Liaison, Debbie Nogales by email: dnogales [at] 

Parent volunteer reading to students

Project Cornerstone

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