mural of cougar laying on a street below planets and clouds
Capri Elementary School

Goldin Foundation “Excellence in Education” Award Recipient - Alicia Hamilton

Over the course of her nineteen years in education, Alicia Hamilton has made a lasting impact on the lives of her students.   Her classroom represents a true community of learners in which students feel safe to take risks, and mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth.  She is a teacher who has contributed to her school sites and districts by charting a course and designing rigorous curriculum based on Common Core State Standards  and English Language Develpment Standards for our EL Learners.  She has been a passionate advocate for the EL Learner population since her first year of teaching and believes that an effective, coherent program for EL Learners is essential, as is the integration of ELD Standards throughout the school day and across all curricular areas.   Capri is honored to have Alicia Hamilton named a Goldin Foundation recipient of the “Excellence in Education” award.