Capri Chronicle

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Upcoming Events

Please take our Parent/Guardian Survey

Annual Survey opens Jan 15

Here at Capri, your opinion matters to us.  Please take a moment to complete our annual survey.  

The survey results provide vital information for us to know what's working and what we can improve. What can we celebrate, and what areas need more attention?

The survey is quick, confidential, and necessary feedback for us to make our schools great places to learn and work.

No School Monday January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr Day

No School 1/20

MLK helped bring about the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Each of these bills helped African Americans access civil rights across the country. King's speeches and writings allow us to continue learning from his beliefs and practices today.  Monday, January 20 we have the day off of school in honor of him.  We will see you Tuesday!

Support Continuous Improvement - Take the Survey

Annual Parent/Guardian Survey Opens Jan. 15th

yellow diamond traffic sign that reads

In our district, we consistently strive to do better. To continue to improve, we need input from our community. Our annual School Experience Survey is the best way for us to reach the greatest number of parents, guardians, staff and students across the district.

The survey results provide vital information for us to know what's working and what we can improve. What can we celebrate, and what areas need more attention?

The survey is quick, confidential, and necessary feedback for us to make our schools great places to learn and work.

Parents, please look for the survey link in your email, ParentSquare account or posters at your child's school. 

P.S.  Did you miss the Superintendent’s video message last week? Click here.

Invitation to Preview Proposed Curricula on February 6th

English/Language Arts curricula being considered for grades 6-8

English teacher working with students

We are in the process of adopting a new curriculum for our middle grades for English/ Language Arts.  Our teachers are piloting one unit from each curriculum, completing the assessments, and sharing feedback with the instructional team. 

As part of our adoption process, we invite parents and community members to preview and provide feedback on the two curricula being piloted. The feedback from parents, community and our teachers will be shared with the piloting team and the Governing Board before a final adoption decision is made. Implementation is planned for the 2025-26 school year. 

The proposed grade 6-8 curricula, CommonLit and Savvas myPerspectives, will be available for review on Thursday, February 6, 2025, in the Hamilton Room, at the District Administration Office (155 N 3rd St., Campbell). Viewing sessions are from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

For questions, please contact your school’s principal or call the District’s Teaching and Learning Department at 408-364-4200.

Feedback Essential to Continuous Improvement Efforts

Annual Survey: A Message from the Superintendent 

boy smiling and holding a triangle musical instrument.

Starting January 15th, Campbell Union School District will launch its annual School Experience survey of families, students, and staff. Your feedback plays a vital role in shaping district and school-level decisions that support students' success. 

Please watch this video message from Superintendent Viramontez to learn how your input makes a difference!

La encuesta anual: Un mensaje del superintendente sobre 

A partir del 15 de enero, el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Campbell lanzará su encuesta anual de Experiencia Escolar para familias, estudiantes y personal. Sus comentarios juegan un papel vital en la formulación de decisiones a nivel de distrito y escuela que apoyan el éxito de los estudiantes.

¡Mire este mensaje en video del Superintendente Viramontez para saber cómo su aporte hace la diferencia!

Video - English -

Video - Español -